I admit I had mixed emotions when I accidentally discovered National Coffee with a Cop Day while researching the local details for my annual National Coffee Day coverage. Honestly, my first thought was, “Is this a real thing or a “Hallmark Holiday?” or is it- my hope– a terrific event of “great civic outreach”? I’ve gotta say, at least where I was a fly on the wall, it was decidedly the latter and more!

About a dozen officers and other public servants assembled from 8am to 10am at one of the local Novato Starbucks for a meet and greet and, in many cases, even, a schmooze with us average citizens. And what an opportunity because, as we all know, a LOT can happen over coffee!
To clarify, National Coffee with a Cop Day is a long-standing, nation-wide event begun in 2011 at a McDonalds in Hawthorne, California. The brainchild of Sergeant Chris Cognac (retired) with the aim of building trust and a sense of community in towns everywhere in America- without speeches or agendas and the like, just coffee!- this amazing day is now being enjoyed in 50 states and also in 40 nations around the world.

Retired public servants mingled locally with active police and other officers, too. Sergeant Melissa Hinckel enjoyed time with some of the local Starbucks fixtures- retired officers- who meet on the regular for coffee. Coffee, it seems, is yet again not only the ubiquitous delicious elixir that comforts and energizes, but it’s also the catalyst for great conversations and connections that might not ordinarily otherwise take place.

“This type of thing is a morale boost because people walk in (to the coffee shop) and they are looking forward to talking to (an officer). You know, it’s a completely different dynamic. They can ask questions of things they don’t understand, and the officers can be friendly with them.” For sure, it could be interaction with a police officer the likes of which many have not ever had and, perhaps didn’t even think possible. I’ll add here that our police officers truly seem to operate from a heart space of keeping us ordinary citizens safe. This kind of Coffee Conversation interaction is a great way for people to receive an understanding of this.
A quick note here that, although many residents and visitors were present, we did not photograph anyone but the officers and municipal staff- but we did collect comments, all of which, of course, were highly positive. One memorable response to this gathering was from a sweet, older lady who politely asked the officers if she might snap their photo to send to her daughter in San Francisco so as to “show them how we do things here and how great the police are in Novato…” Another notable comment was from a Tech Warrior Worker who arrived at the Starbucks after the event ended- and in the vacuum left by the police offers’ absence: “Oh, I so wish I had known about this because I would have brought my three-year-old son; he loves police officers! Well, maybe next year.” Can’t help but imagine the joy that lucky child is going to have next year…
That said, anyone who missed this great day this year just might have a chance at a Do-Over next October, 2025, on the first Wednesday of the month. To be sure, you can- and should- mark your calendar now because, in this chaotic state in which we find our world of late, it’s always great to know about the things- and the people– upon whom we can rely without doubt! Thank you, Novato police force and staff, not only for your upstanding and loyal service, but also for your willingness to so patiently interface with the people.

Photo credit: Lauren Grant, and used with permission.
Huge shout-out of thanks to Lauren Grant for sharing a photo and helping with photo IDing while I was having some Tech issues.
Wow, never knew this existed. What a great article to let us all know this occurs every first Wednesday of October. Thank you, Michele Caprario!