“My name is Peter Lone, and I will be executed in two hours…”
So begins the amazing story told in THE FIRING SQUAD- a script over which, when he first read it, co-star Cuba Gooding, Jr. said, he wept.
This August-opening film is based on the true story of three Christian prisoners- especially Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran, two members of the Bali Nine, who faced execution in an Indonesian prison camp. This joint venture between Epoch Studios and Rock Studios is a compelling presentation of modern-day cultural fail, repentance, and conversion. Reminiscent of The Green Mile- in all of its best aspects-the story depicts abuse of power as well as the radical change in a person once priorities are changed by faith.

Peter Lone (played perfectly by James Barrington) is a flamboyant drug runner-“runner” and not “dealer”as he repeats throughout the film-with a penchant for pursuing a drug score sale just one more time… Fittingly, he’s shown gambling away hundreds of thousands of dollars in casinos around the world, picking up the tab for lavish meals and buying pricey artwork on a whim by way of a credit card a level above “platinum,” and speeding around in a red Ferrari with a license plate that reads “RUNNER.” Having had to raise himself, Lone sees neither need nor place for God.

When Lone and his accomplice make the mistake of attempting a sale that will bring drugs into Indonesia, a country that executes drug dealers, they are nabbed by police and jailed in a detention facility for death row prisoners.
“Do I have a death wish, Morgan asked,” Lone says in voice-over as he mulls the events leading up to their arrest. “Maybe I did: I thought this would be our final run, ever. I thought we would make millions and millions of dollars, but God had other plans…”

Predictably, the men go through the stages of grief-disbelief, denial, rejection, and anger. However, with attempts by fellow inmate and Pastor Lynbrook (Kevin Sorbo) to evangelize Lone when he is thrown into solitary confinement for his back talk to the abusive warden, he has more than a change of heart: his is a soul change.
Lone is befriended by Samuel Wilson (Cuba Gooding, Jr.) who has an escape plan he’s willing to share with someone with tons of cash to exchange for it. The result is not as they’d hoped but what comes after is more than either of them could have imagined. Lone’s conversion is stunning, and it leads him to some astounding events including -spoiler alert- a chaste marriage (with chaplain volunteer played winningly by Madeline Anderson).
Other outstanding moments include those involving the prison warden, played by Tupua Ainu’u, and cameos with veteran actor Eric Roberts. British actor James Barrington has the lead role alongside Cuba Gooding Jr. and Kevin Sorbo. It is Barrington’s first major role and he knocks it out of the park. He has a lead role in an upcoming crime story, The Third Degree. A Christian since age 11, Barrington said, “Starting every day in prayer and working with people of strong Christian faith was unbelievable. I’ve come to understand that in our materialistic world, my faith is where true happiness lies.

Image courtesy of film company publicist.
Harvard-educated director Tim Chey- a former atheist-found Christ in his 30’s. He is a former litigation attorney who transitioned to film development and has produced, written, and directed nine feature films. He has also won two 5-Star Dove Awards as well as the “Spirit of the Independent” award for Best Director.
THE FIRING SQUAD undertakes the trans formative power of the faith and hope of a few men that goes beyond earthly realities. It is a contagious faith, and this “Guy Film” -for everyone- offers a unique opportunity for evangelism.
Having debuted at the February National Religious Broadcasters’ Convention, this film is now on the Big Screen at a theater near you.
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