“Life can feel serene, and then a single rock breaks the surface,” beautiful London Quinn says in voice over as she is depicted showing her best friend, up-and-coming architect Dawson Gage how to skim stones on the surface of a placid lake. In Fathom Events’ post -Easter treat SOMEONE LIKE YOU opening in theaters across the US on April 2, we see these two young people- played with just the right amount of chaste chemistry by actors Sarah Fisher and Jake Allyn- jet skiing gleefully shortly thereafter across a lake and then jumping into a car to go on a country drive.
The next thing we know, London has been (spoiler alert) taken out by a careless driver moments before, we imagine, Dawson has the opportunity to profess his love for her that transcends the bounds of their long-standing simple brother-sister type friendship.
Based on the popular novel by #1 NY Times Bestselling author Karen Kingsbury, this adaptation is described as “an achingly beautiful redemptive love story.” It is a shocking event that Dawson experiences, ie not “just” the news about the death of his friend and a simple loss- but there IS redemption in this film. It’s not the usual kind of redemption since there are some complications of modern science that make things interesting…

One plot twist we would never imagine involves the fact that London was born as a result of in vitro fertilization, and she actually has another, natural and still living, sibling who was adopted to another couple shortly after birth, Andi Allen (also played by Sarah Fisher in a double role). Neither young woman has any idea she has a sister. While London never finds out, her surviving sister has this shocking news shared with her when Dawson- hoping to help heal the heart of London’s grieving mother- goes in frantic search of the closest living reminder of his lady love.

The two make a beautiful couple even before they even realize this as a possibility, and it is lovely to see them ministering to each other in their respective aspects of shock and grief: he with the death of his, if even unrequited, beloved, she with the sister she was never told she had. Major emotional conflicts arise out of these different versions of loss and, in comforting each other, the two prove themselves to be a pair of exemplary young souls.

What happens next is both a testament to the way in which God works to place orphans in family as well as how God heals the broken-hearted. There are quite delicate scenes as the couple who sent their newborn away for adoption must deal with their remorse over that in tandem with their grief, and the adopting couple must deal with their daughter’s anger and disappointment with them for never letting her know she was not an “only child.”

The production is visually stunning with gorgeous drone shots of lakes, forest, rivers, and other places in nature. The casting was done with an eye to visual beauty, too, as the leads are incredibly camera- friendly in every way and even the parents, presumably in their 50’s, are fit, youthful, and attractive. Would it be a spoiler alert, too, to say that there is a happy ending?
To locate a theater near you screening this wonderful film please check the Fathom events web site here.
*ALL photos and official film clip provided by Fathom Events publicist and used with permission.
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