National Women’s History Month, March 2018, began with my salute to Mrs. Jennifer Stovall Eichelberger (See article) and now I am closing the month with a salute to another outstanding and inspirational woman.

Ms. Nancy J. Lewis has been the President of Progressive Techniques, Inc. in Atlanta, Georgia for 22 years. She created her own organizational theme, “Developing a Better YOU!” Ms. Lewis company’s website states “The company has successfully provided services in the areas of: training, human resources consulting, facilitation and public speaking.”

In addition, Ms. Lewis is a motivational/inspirational keynote speaker, management development trainer, author, registered corporate coach, television and radio host, ordained minister and more.
Nancy J. Lewis moved from Fort Wayne, Indiana to Atlanta and attended Georgia State University where she earned her Master of Science (MS) Degree in Urban and Public Affairs. After experience with seven jobs, she realized she was destined to have her own business. At this point, she knew the importance of professional development.
Ms. Lewis says proudly, “God opened the door and I am thankful for the opportunity to do what He has called me to do. I praise God for he has given me the privilege to walk in my destiny”.

She has received many accolades. It was a great honor that she was selected one of the “25 Most Influential Women in Atlanta” in 2009 by Rolling Out Magazine and was featured in 2016 “Who’s Who in Black Atlanta”, “The Ultimate Networking Guide”.
I had the special privilege to attend one of Ms. Lewis’s major accomplishments, The 10th Anniversary of the Transforming Women Entrepreneurs (TWE), Theme: Ascension: New season – Next Level on March 8, 2018 at The Coca-Cola Company.

Ms. Lewis is the co-founder of this quarterly women’s breakfast/lunch forum for entrepreneurs and professional business women helping them to realize what one can achieve in one’s business and career. For the last nine years, she has been the sole leader using her creativity, knowledge and experiences to make each year a success because her co-founder decided to pursue other endeavors.
“It’s lunch time” – Photo Courtesy of Renee Sudderth

I was thrilled and blessed to be in an uplifting, spiritual, and loving, business atmosphere. This included so many ladies in one room sharing their life stories, failures and successes. But overall, you heard each woman express her gratitude to God for being there through the ups and downs of their life journey.

The speaking panel consisted of all remarkable, unique women. I will never forget their presentations or this rewarding experience and the pride I felt listening to each of them.

Jennifer Stovall Eichelberger, TV Producer of Atlanta Live on WATC TV 57 and Paula Gwynn Grant, CEO, Exuberance Enterprises enlightened us with television and radio etiquette – Photo Courtesy of Renee Sudderth
The ladies that we heard spoke with poise and grace were: Oneda Castillo Oneda Castillo website, Dr. Adrienne Booth Johnson Infinity global connections website) , Vickie Irwin georgia power website), Valerie Nesbitt (Valerie Nesbitt website), Chief Judge Wanda Dallas (judgedallasspeaks website), Barbara Giamanco (scs-connect website), Elder LaTanya Onuzo, Paula Gwynn Grant (exuberanceenterprises website ), Jennifer Stovall Eichelberger(jennifereichelberger website), Dr. Teresa Jordan (thepgnetwork website), Norma Stanley (normastanley website), Myra McElhaney (myramcehaney website), Jestacia Jones (jlorefoundation website) , Shana Dominique Wilson (thebeautyqueen website) and Sheena Robinson (financialparentacademy website)
Jestacia Jones, Author/Director, The J’Lore Foundation – Photo Courtesy of Renee Sudderth

To share a flavor of the tone of the speakers, I chose to elaborate about the first and last speakers that Ms. Lewis invited to this special conference.
Mrs. Oneda Castillo, Director of Golf for the Women’s Golf Foundation, joined the Ladies Professional Golf Association in 1997 (LPGA) and in 2005, she became the first African American Appointee as the National Evaluator for the LPGA. In 2016, Ms. Oneda was thrilled to receive the Lifetime Achievement Award from President Barack Obama. This made me feel good inside; knowing the same Commander-In-Chief who signed my Military Retirement Orders had done another important deed for an individual who definitely deserves it.

The last two speakers of the day who took the stage together were the “Millennials” generation, while most of the audience was “Boomers” and “Gen Xers”. Even though they are young, their careers have had failures and successes like everyone else. Ms. Shanai Dominique Wilson owns a beauty shop and is an author and speaker.
Mrs. Sheena Robinson Cody is an entrepreneur with her own Financial Management company, conducting seminars and workshops of which she is very proud. Both women were powerful speakers and offered valuable information for all generations.

After the Transforming Women Entrepreneurs, you heard ladies saying “I really needed this conference”; “I needed a kick start”; “I’m ready to move forward with my own destiny”; “These conferences definitely have authentication, a spiritual tone and transparency”; “Very informative”; and “I have been inspired and connected with so many ladies of elegance”. I agree with all these observations.

I am grateful for Ms. Lewis accepting God’s assignment so she could touch so many lives and transformed them with her skills in public speaking and professional development. Again, I salute you Ms. Nancy J. Lewis for National Women’s History Month. I look forward to your next Transforming Women Entrepreneurs in Savannah, Georgia on May 17, 2018 and again in Atlanta, Georgia on June 7, 2018.

M. SAMPSON – March 29, 2018 – via EMAIL – Thank You!!
JOEY THOMASON – March 29, 2018 via EMAIL – Thanks again Renee. Another fine article of such fine and interesting people.
Continue producing great articles.
TOMMIE HARRIS-NASH – March 29, 2018 via EMAIL – Thanks for sharing this exciting moment with us. I see that you and your sister made the VIP list. These are very good pictures and I am sure that it was an exciting occasion.
JENNIFER EICHELBERGER – March 28, 2018 – via EMAIL – Congratulations on another great article!
ALICE “FAYE” POWELL – March 28, 2018 – via EMAIL – Congratulation Renee this was great history I truly enjoyed the literature.
VERNICKA MACK – March 28, 2018 via EMAIL – Great Job!
DANA RICE – March 28, 2018 – via EMAIL – Great article! Looks like it was an awesome event. Love that red and black dress you wore!
THERESA MCLAUGHLIN LANG – March 28, 2018 – via FACEBOOK – Beautiful!
TIFFANY DOVER – March 28, 2018 – via FACEBOOK – Thanks for sharing, Renee Sudderth.
CAMMIE DAVENPORT WOODLE – March 28, 2018 – via FACEBOOK – Good article! Great women.
LORI A. MANNS – March 28, 2018 – via FACEBOOK – This is great! Nancy is awesome at what she does. Thanks for recognizing her and writing this piece.
DARLENE AIKEN – March 27, 2018 – via Facebook – This is AWESOME! Hi Nancy! Y’all looking good! Continued success.
RUBY J. MANUEL ARLINE – March 27, 2018 – via FACEBOOK – I’m yet salivating, replaying the words/voices of women’s stories of strength and power. Thanks Pat Oalden for inviting me! Thanks Nancy J. Lewis for bringing powerful women together with words that generated passion and encouragement; to know dreams can become a reality! Thanks Renee Sudderth for this informative article
NANCY J. LEWIS – March 27, 2018 via Facebook – Thanks Renee…great article. YOU ROCK!!!