Film Con Hollywood 2018 – Giving Back

From left to right Jaquen Castellanos, Deborah Schoeneman, Samantha Tanner & Shon Le Blanc
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Film Con Hollywood was no ‘con’ at all as the ‘new’ Hollywood begins to shift its reputation from ‘getting’ to ‘giving’ back to aspiring artists in film and TV.  Co-Founders Krishen Rangi and Parth Savalia collaborated with LA Acting Studios David Rountree and Stage 32’s Founder & CEO, Richard Botto to present a convention that encapsulated knowledge of the industry in the most authentic presence this industry has never been privy to before. More than 50 elite guest speakers including former SNL great and film actor, Chevy Chase, Oscar award-winning producer, Jennifer Warren, and Amazon Prime’s  SangreNegra actress Sandra Santiago and executive producer Karriem Madison.  Unlike any other con event I have attended, Film Con Hollywood was impressive in its authentic approach in reaching out to aspiring artists without the pressure of having “to purchase or buy” products or packages. Film Con Hollywood was a wealth of information beneficial to all who attended this premiere event.

Founder Krishen Rangi

The first Film Con Hollywood took place at the L.A. Convention Center, March 24 to a full capacity of aspiring artists. Its development was created by passion and conviction for educating the artists of tomorrow to provide a genuine and sincere presentation of how the Hollywood industry really works. Founder and visionary, Krishen Rangi states, “Our vision is to provide the direct, actionable knowledge to people as this is the basic key to being productive.” Through the expertise and experience of great filmmakers, producers, directors, and actors Film Con Hollywood did just that and more. Rangi’s compassion for this endeavor is heartfelt as he goes on to say, “Equality is a two-way street. It’s a basic expectation that everyone should have.” The ‘new’ Hollywood is making its mark by giving back to the community in a legitimate and unpretentious fashion.

David Rountree of LA Acting Studios

David Rountree and Richard Botto agree that the purpose of Film Con Hollywood is “about building authentic relationships and then giving back.” Botto continues, “Leading by example is key and we have strived to produce support and access to the most current, inspirational, and pertinent actionable panelists available in 2018.”  Roundtree adds, “Providing a ‘genuine setting’ is an objective we created by great social networking from artists who care.” The authenticity of Film Con Hollywood was evident as the panelists volunteered their time to answer questions from guests in pack-filled rooms.

Some highlights from Film Con Hollywood offered tips which varied from ‘how to build a story,’ to ‘is representation necessary?’  One keynote speaker Spencer Robinson, manager of Art/Work Entertainment notes, “my representation covers such active duties as pitching auditions for the right roles, reading scripts, covering advance dates for comedic shows, and overall career guidance.”  It should be noted as well that getting representation is not necessary for you to have a voice in this industry, yet “being your own advocate is,” which was a theme from many of the panelists.

Richard Botto, Founder and CEO of Stage 32

Other highlights included the knowledge and understanding how networking is its own full-time job, and your approach to the people you are connecting with must be handled with care.  Keep in mind that building relationships that are based on honest and sincere dialogue will get you further along than those that stem from self-serving methods.

Paying guests were also treated to a gifting lounge that handed out complimentary guides to the industry entitled 2018 Creative Handbook by Production Resources which provides a directory of services from wardrobes to props & sets and production support to photography.

Creative Handbook 2018 by Production Resources

Moreover, guests were given exclusive offers from AVLA Productions, LA Acting Studios, Stage 32, CurioVFX studio & school, and Crowdsourcing for Filmmakers. Delicious snacks called Pressed by KIND were gifted to all guests as well.

From left to right Jaquen Castellanos, Deborah Schoeneman, Samantha Tanner & Shon Le Blanc

There is no question that Film Con Hollywood 2018 with its great success this March will continue to thrive and grow in the coming years. When you are giving back to the community in an honest and earnest manner, it can be felt heart-wholly throughout that same community.  As an educator and teacher, I would like to personally applaud Film Con Hollywood, its creators, and guest speakers for a job well done and for the knowledge and wisdom I gained from attending this unparalleled event.

For more information visit Film Con Media

Special thanks to Nadine Jolson, Founder/Executive Director

Dr. Patti Martin is a feature writer for Splash Magazines as well as Co-Founder of Breaking Free of Bullying


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