Generation Rescue – April is Autism Awareness Month

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With April being Autism Awareness Month, we partnered with Generation Rescue, to learn a little more about their organization and was able to get first hand information from one of their recipients.

What is Generation Rescue? “Generation Rescue curated a movement dedicated to providing comprehensive treatment opportunities to autism families. As an innovative and results-oriented organization, we bridge the gap between philanthropy and expert-driven services by collaborating with like-minded stakeholders. Together, our vision fosters a sense of belonging and hope for future generations.”  As a nation wide organization they are able to help people throughout the USA.  Sunny and her son King are just one example of the many people that Generation Rescue has been able to help and will continue to help.

Sunny and King* 

Sunny first heard about Generation Rescue through a Facebook group tailored toward moms and dads looking to use biomedical treatment to help their kids on the autism spectrum.  She had been hearing a lot about biomedical treatments for autism and how important it was to find a MAPS-certified (Medical Academy of Pediatrics of Special Needs) integrative doctor. 

“A few moms in the group had been part of Generation Rescue’s grant program in the past and suggest I apply for it. The main reason I applied was to see a MAPS doctor; someone that is well-versed in this treatment and can point us in the right direction for King.”

What kind of support have you received from Generation Rescue?

Wow – what kind of support haven’t we received! Everything from helping us find our doctor, to booking and covering our appointments; supplying us with essential supplements; helping us transition to clean diet; answering any of my questions; connecting us with a mentor who understood the process. Every aspect of the journey, they were there to help us. Even if we just need to talk to somebody – or offer tips, GR was there for us.


What does that support mean to you? 

Their support means everything! Without their support we would not be where we are today. Even after the program, they’ve always been there and I am constantly recommending new families. Either online or in person. I’m always directing them to GR. 

It’s literally the hardest thing in the world to be a newly diagnosed family and not know what to do. Most doctors point you to traditional therapies, like ABA (applied behavioral analysis) and speech therapy – but there’s so much more to that. There are so many medical issues that often go ignored and GR puts you on the right path to help your kid blossom and they come out of their shell as a result of it. 

Do you have any plans to pay it forward and help others in the future? 

I definitely do. I pray a lot. When King first got diagnosed, I made a deal with God. If He put us on the right path, we will always pay it forward. I always link and send new families to Generation Rescue to get started. Paying it forward is the only way to keep spreading the message. 

What advice do you have for other families in similar situations? 

Don’t give up. Don’t just believe what your pediatrician tells you. Do your own research. This isn’t a disease you child has to just deal with. It’s not something that’s treatable. It is medical and it is treatable. There are things you can do to help your child. And don’t get discouraged. Every child is different so sometimes it may take longer for some kids. But don’t give up. Don’t become complaisant. 

Especially in April, while I think it’s important to bring awareness, there’s more we can do. There’s lots of families I’ve met that have kids that can now live an independent life thanks Generation Rescue. So research. Learn. And do what your heart tells you use should do. It your kid’s life on the line.

Sunny and King

An update on King:

When King first started school, he would hide under the table, would not participate, and would have horrible meltdowns when they would have to transition from one activity to another. After Generation Rescue’s grant program, all of that has gone away! He participates. He has friends. Lots and lots and lots of speech. And socialization. His teachers have been really amazed. 

To us, Generation Rescue means hope. It means a chance to have a regular life. It means I don’t have to worry as much. I see that it can get better. Now, I actually see King having an independent life.

As with Sunny and King Generation Rescue’s mission is to provide hope, information and immediate treatment assistance to families affected by autism spectrum disorders.

Jenny McCarthy and Evan – Night of Hope

If you or someone you know is struggling with finding the best way to help a child in need reach out to Generation Rescue for help.  If you are looking for a group to support please consider Generation Rescue this month and help others in a great cause! Visit Generation Rescue online today to help out or to reach out for help! 

Generation Rescue Background: When rockstar Stanford alumni JB Handley, a leader in the private equity sector, and wife Lisa Handley discovered their son had autism, they didn’t settle for the dead-end diagnosis. Instead, they researched the most effective treatment options available to help their son. Along their journey, the couple founded Generation Rescue to offer hope with actionable treatment solutions for families. Later that same year, actress and television host, Jenny McCarthy’s son, Evan, was diagnosed with autism. Following his diagnosis, Jenny went on a nationwide tour to speak on behalf of many autism organizations, which led her to become of a voice for families worldwide. She ended up finding a home at Generation Rescue, now serving as the foundation’s board president. Her groundbreaking book, Louder Than Words, sparked a movement of mother warriors empowered to take control of their family’s health and well-being.

Jenny McCarthy and family

All photo’s courtesy of Generation Rescue!


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